Guitar Ted's final review on the Trelock LS 950 speaks to lights German quality and longevity
Why Flashing Bicycle Headlights are a BAD Idea
Using a bright flashing headlight is a mistake. What it very clearly says is this, “I don’t give a shit if I’m blinding you with this flashing light. I’m going to make sure you see me even if it does annoy you and create a dangerous situation because I’m the most important thing on the road, so go fuck yourself.”
Adventure Cyclist Magazine Reviews our Joule HG Wheel and Trelock Lights
Adventure Cyclist Magazine 'geared up' this summer on our Biologic Joule HG dynamo wheel and Trelock LS 875 40 LUX headlight in combination with the Trelock LS 820 Rear Light
Bicycle Times Reviews Joule HG Dynamo Wheel & Trelock Light Kit
Our first official review of the Joule HG Dynamo Wheel/Trelock Light Kit will be in Bicycle Times, Issue #24.
Much Ado About Bicycle Lights
Trelock LS950 Rechargeable Light
The Shakespearean term "much ado" means "a lot of fuss". And maybe that rhetoric is a bit altiloquent for a lowly blog post about bicycle lights, but maybe, like all good Shakespeare, it's spot it's own, unique way. In this post we ask a simple question: What is the best bike light?