The Bike Design Project: Oregon Manifest

I recently ran across a competition called The Bike Design Project, where the Oregon Manifest organized a duel between 5 teams (is it a duel if there are 5 teams? Perhaps a Pentel, or fivel...). The goal of the competition is to pit 5 different cities against each other to create the ultimate urban utility bicycle.
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Tracking your progress leads to a more fulfilling cycling life

Image of Maxwell Natural Area, Fort Collins, CO Maxwell Loop, Fort Collins, CO

I am not a stickler for statistics. I have been riding the same mountain bike trail after work for the past five years and I've never tracked my mileage, time, or rate of ascent. I have been curious about both before, however, asking, "I wonder how hard this really is?" Which of course is just a cover up for the real question, "I wonder how good at this I actually am?"

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Why Flashing Bicycle Headlights are a BAD Idea

Using a bright flashing headlight is a mistake. What it very clearly says is this, “I don’t give a shit if I’m blinding you with this flashing light. I’m going to make sure you see me even if it does annoy you and create a dangerous situation because I’m the most important thing on the road, so go fuck yourself.”

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Dare to Offer Purpose-Built Bikes as Car-Replacement Vehicles

Everything “clicked” for me as I watched a woman stop her bike in front of a convenience store. In a single motion she got off her bike, put down the kickstand, locked the bike and walked away. She was middle-aged, dressed in normal street clothing and simply doing some shopping. What clicked for me was this—the bike was her car.

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Caffélatex gets revised, race-proven formula!

Effetto Mariposa enhances Caffélatex formula with microscopic flow-modifying particles to dramatically enhance performance.

Caffelatex 250ml (latex tire sealant) Caffelatex (latex tire sealant) 250ml Bottle $9.95

Effetto Mariposa has improved their famous Caffélatex sealant. The feedback of professional athletes combined with science results in a significantly improved sealant with remarkable longevity and user-friendliness.

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